Author Archives: Laura

Our 2013 Atlanta Veg Fest Schedule

2013 atlanta veg fest logo

Are you excited for this year’s Atlanta Veg Fest yet? We are! We’ve got tons of fun planned. In addition to the speaker and activity schedule of the Fest, we will have demos, sampling & more at our booth:


10:30am Treeline Cheese on sourdough, cookie samples, and Gutenfleischers SG sausage demo & sampling, stuffed mushrooms
11:30am Sandwiches arrive for lunch
12:30pm Teese and Gutenfleischers TM taco meat demo and sampling, NACHOS
2:00pm Happy 1st Birthday Atlanta Veg Fest cake sampling
3:30pm Gutenfleischers Roasts carving station demo and sampling, holiday pie samples

2012 atl veg fest table

Like what you taste? We’ll also have items for sale: Treeline Cheese, Teese, baked goods, breakfast biscuits right when the Fest opens, sandwiches at lunch time with drinks and chips.

Considering ordering a roast or ham for Thanksgiving? Definitely come by at 3:30 to sample them and our holiday pies.

Gift Card Drawing

All day long register to win a $25 Dough gift certificate. It’s nothing more complicated than that.


A diner classic, vegan style

Sandwich special for the week of 10/29 – 11/3/13

This week we’re bringing you a diner classic, vegan style!

vegan melts

TS on the left, CS on the right

Melts! Choose from our vegan Chicken Salad (CS), Ham Salad (HS) or Tuna Salad (TS) with cheddar or mozzarella Teese pressed on a house made Cuban roll.

This week’s soup special: Tomato bisque

vegan tomato bisque


The week we make trays of vegan Meatwads

Sandwich Special for the week of 10/22 – 10/27/13

This comforting sandwich has been missed by many a vegan, until now…

vegan meatball sub


The vegan Meatball Sub! Gutenfleischers vegan meatballs, Teese mozzarella & house made sauce on a house made hoagie roll.

This week’s soup special: Chickpea Pasta!

vegan chickpea pasta soup


Atlanta Walk For Farm Animals

Thanks everyone that supported the walk this year either by donating or walking. The walk itself exceeded its goal, hooray! We didn’t quite hit our team’s $1000 goal, but we got close: $858 including $47 that you guys left in our donation jar at the bakery. Woo hoo!